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Drive Your Business Forward

Drive Your Business Forward ⋆

Welcome to The Paddock

The members-only business support hub at On Track.

Created to bring busy sole traders and small business owners together.

Whether you work alone or manage a small team, wearing all the hats of business can take its toll. The Paddock is the support team you didn't know you needed.

Business Brainstorm sessions (a kind of qualifying, if you will) are a great way to get instant feedback on a brand new idea or addition/change to an existing business. Unsure which is the right turn? Need to fine tune an idea before getting financially invested? Maybe you have loads of ideas but lack focus and direction. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or taking your first tentative steps into the world of self-employment, if you need to talk it out, we're here for it.

Find your own super-group within the team. As with any group of people, some energies will match and others will clash. That's normal and part of life. Bring a mutually respectful attitude and an open mind to the table and the possiblities are limitless.

The two membership levels are: Paddock Pass & Paddock VIP.

The only difference in benefits between them is VIPs can join The Paddock Affiliate Scheme and earn a recurring 5% commission from every new member or sponsor that joins with their link - for as long as both are in The Paddock. All members have full access to all content.

If being a priority-advertiser or building recurring revenue are your focus, we also have two sponsorship levels: Paddock Partner & Paddock Champion

Sponsors receive all the same benefits as members, just with additional advertising opportunities and higher rates of affiliate commission. See the pricing below for more details.

Members drive the content

What are you struggling with right now?

How can the group help you move forward?

Are you achieving your goals? If not, what do you need?

Right now, from just £6 per month, you can be part of the team and influence the direction of the content. Upgrade to VIP status to become an affiliate and earn your own recurring income for helping the team to grow.

- SAVE with annual prices compared to paying monthly -

Membership Options

Paddock Pass

per month
You're in the team! You have access to everything apart from becoming an affiliate at this level. 

Paddock VIP

per month
As Paddock Pass, plus:

Opportunity to earn 5% ongoing affiliate commission 

Paddock VIP - Annual Price

per year
All the same benefits but with an annual price saving equivalent to two months free!

⋆ All Prices Include UK VAT at 20% ⋆

Affiliate commission is paid on the net price (before VAT) - see T&Cs

Get On Track with Recurring Revenue!

The Paddock Affiliate Scheme is perfect for anyone looking to generate passive recurring revenue.

When you join as a Paddock VIP or sponsor, you will receive an invite to the scheme. Complete the short form to apply and, once confirmed, you'll receive your personal affiliate link.

Then, simply share it, shout about it... and start earning!

Everyone that joins using your personal link will earn you a recurring commission ... for as long as they (and you) are in The Paddock.


On Track Books Club

If you do your own bookkeeping, check out Books Club - an Online Bookkeeping Support Membership helping sole traders confidently handle their own MTD compliant bookkeeping on Xero.

If you're ready to get (& stay) on track, this is for you. Follow the link for more info.

Still have questions?

No problem at all. Just contact us using the form below with your questions or comments.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you're looking for a bit more advertising and higher affiliate commission, check out our sponsorship options:

Paddock Partner

per month
Sponsorship L1
Includes all member level benefits plus:
Ads on social media and at in-person events
8% ongoing affiliate commission available

Paddock Champion

per month
Sponsorship L2
All Paddock Partner benefits plus:
Prominant advertising opportunities
"Paddock Champion" feature ad on On Track website
10% ongoing affiliate commission available

Paddock Champion - Annual Price

per year
All the benefits of Paddock Champion sponsorship but with the annual price saving equivalent to two months free!

⋆ All Prices Include UK VAT at 20% ⋆

Affiliate commission is paid on the net price (before VAT) - see T&Cs

On Track Business Support - Ground Floor Suite 2, 5 Yeomans Way, Bournemouth, BH8 0BL